Meat Store Supermarkets

Europa - Europe Supermarket Moshe Goshen 3, Kiryat Motzkin

Supermarket Europa - Europa supermarket Kiryat Motzkin - delicatessen, meat shop Open Saturday, opening hours, address, phone, a wide variety of non-kosher products: meats, sausages, seafood, delicacies, snacks, ice creams and more.
Address: 3 Moshe Goshen St., Kiryat Motzkin
phone: 04-618-9997

Opening hours Europe

a day Closing hours Opening Hours
Sunday 21:00 07:30
Monday 21:00 07:30
Tuesday 21:00 07:30
Wednesday 21:00 07:30
Thursday 21:00 07:30
Friday 16:00 07:30
Saturday 20:00 10:00
* The operating hours displayed on the website may change from time to time, in order to be updated on changes, visit the page KFC