Ivory Computers

Ivory branch Beersheba - Beit Noam

Opening hours Ivory Beer Sheva branch, address, laboratory

Opening hours Ivory Beer Sheva branch, address, laboratoryOpening hours Ivory Beer Sheva branch, address, laboratory
Opening hours Ivory Beer Sheva branch, address, laboratory 8280*

Opening Hours: Opening hours Ivory Beer Sheva branch, address, laboratory Opening hours Ivory Beer Sheva branch, address, laboratory

a day Closing time Opening time
Sunday 19:00 09:30
Monday 19:30 09:30
Tuesday 19:30 09:30
Wednesday 19:30 09:30
Thursday 19:30 09:30
Friday 14:30 09:00
Saturday closed

Business hours Laboratory:
Sunday-Thursday 9: 30-17: 30, Fri and holiday eves 9: 00-13: 00
How to get to the Ivory Computers Sheva branch - Beit Noam:

Map branch