Technology and money Global economy

Currency (Bitcoin) that is driving the world

Bitcoin's value is steadily climbing and has surged more than 1,000% over the past year. Now that the Bitcoin economy has been worth over a billion dollars for years, Bitcoin is driving the world crazy. How did an idea that ran in the forums of economics students and software engineers turn into virtual money that is worth over a billion dollars and worries lawyers, economists and heads of state around the world? And what is Bitcoin or virtual money anyway? […]

Technology and money Global economy Global Market

Bitcoin - the virtual currency

Bitcoin (in English: Bitcoin) is a virtual currency, which was created in 2009 by its initial software developer, Satoshi Nakamoto (probably a pseudonym). Its uniqueness is that it is not under the control of any government, but despite this it includes a reliable system of documenting the transactions. As of June 2011, there are hundreds of businesses that respect the Bitcoin currency, and refer to it [...]