Flower delivery

Flower shops in Ariel, flower deliveries in Ariel

Business hours of Flower shops in Or Akiva, Home flower delivery service in the city area and the surrounding area. Fresh flower arrangements, artificial bouquets, flower pots and ornamental plants, flower deliveries for Shabbat, at the customer's request, tropical fruit arrangements, chocolate bouquets, flowers made of crepe paper, flower arrangements for events, bridal bouquets and for any romantic purpose can be ordered.

FlowersA whiff of the field

Address: Hanassi Weizmann Blvd., corner of Aliya 1, Or Akiva
Order Delivery of flowers over the phone: 04-6262433
Opening Hours:
Sunday - Thursday 8:00 to 20:00
Friday 8:00 - 16:30


Address: King David Blvd. 516 Or Akiva
Order Delivery of flowers over the phone: 04-6260914

Flowers at the top

Address: 1 Hanassi Weizmann Blvd., Or Akiva Orot Mall
Order Delivery of flowers over the phone: 04-6262530